Welcome to  the Health Coaching ( Healthy Recipe Blog-page)

I coach an easy to follow a low carb lifestyle that can bring you optimal health while enjoying delicious food.  I dropped 50lbs and together with my husband a total of 85 lbs on the plan and gained so much knowledge about the fuel that our body needs to be the best we can be. Before this program, we were overwhelmed at the thought of planning out & making healthy meals. In fact I did so & after a few months of doing this, I got burned out, having to do this several times a  Day, while raising 6 kids. Said to myself theres just gotta be an easier way…

& sure enough there is!!!

But, we were able to focus on making just one  (sometimes up to two)

“Lean & Green” meal a day, and that put us on the right track to health. We are now happy to share our growing repertoire here with you!

If you’d like to begin your health journey, please contact me to see if this plan might be a match for you. While the food is a seemingly all-important factor, tremendous support is what keeps us going. And that includes supporting others!                                                                                                The only regret we ever hear is that “I didn’t start sooner.”

Essentially   The Hardest part was saying YES! 🙂

Now’s YOUR time!

Certified Health  & Wellness Coach
Learn more about getting healthy at
Email: healthybodyhealthyhabits@gmail.com